sarcasm noted... duly';>
you really cannot conceive if being wrong can you...
a shame.
'tis know from whence ye komm.
admirable tenacity... still, the error factor must always be a consideration in any intelligent discourse.
no argument is offered for the simple fact there is no argument to be made.
the fact of the cabal/ashkenazi/jew manipulation of "[mæı] little book" is not deniable.
this is where discernment and rightly dividing LOGOS is an absolute must.
sad... all these arguments given by thee in the assumption that said have not already been assimilated and discarded as faulty by this [one]... in a [lifetime] of research and study many paths both light and dark may be trod... the fact you dismiss another's considered understanding of reality out-of-hand shows your true "level of enlightenment".
there is not a snowball's chance in hæl that the fact of mæı distilled knowledge of [x] years shall be trotted out for your perusal.
< damned is as damned does.
the only function performed here is that (you) can Never Say,
"i was not told the Truth".
< мен... уе'll hear only the voices in yer own heart and head that confirm yer own biasēs.
have a nice day.
eat mæı đû§þ... снцкł
don't worry yer perdy hed o'er it.