> Saturn. Saturn = ego
> finish the thought, anon
> What an absolute blessing that entity was (jesus)
> Yup. This. (earth.gif)
> Learn what's been done to you
(jesus went blind to the world to gain knowledge to keep on the path?)
> Wake up Now Child, Release The Light (love?)
> Attain agency once again, friends. Act.
CIA = Cosmic Intelligence Agency kek
>>/31884/ >>/31891/
>>/31878/ is the flesh
>>/31879/ >>/31881/
>>/31879/ There you go, anon.
>>/31880/ so jesus dint die?
>>/31881/ Ego, Saturn, has "infected" you
>>/31886/ >>/31887/
>>/31883/ Jesus wasn't "murdered".
>>/31884/ you are doomed (lies)
>>/31888/ >>/31890/ >>/31893/
>>/31886/ would you say Saturn is the source of this "thought poison"
>>/31887/ Pray, meditate on these words Aummmmmm
>>/31895/ The Great Awakening (saturn thought poison)
> not knowing you aren't your body and your ego coaxing [coercing] you away from it.
> coupled with the loosh farm that is the paradigm of the current regime (ie. Earth)
The earth is a soul farm for feeding saturn o/
> Remember - Together we cross The River. It's impossible to do it alone.
>>/31898/ >>/31900/ >>/31902/
>>/31896/ id = flesh = subconsciousness
again i repeat and reask several times.
I ask 2x and cut 1x. apologies in advance.
cant teach if dont know.
and if u havent really noticed i seem to be the only one asking, so how fucked is this shit atm kek
>>/31903/ >>/31908/
>>/31898/ yeah i hear ya
>>/31900/ the example of the Chinese finger trap really made it sink in
> relax, breath and let go.
(been there a few times o/)
> Just who is sliding now?
(pepes spook easily o/)
> Please, do add to the conversation
dont take the b8 m8
>>/31903/ I feel like I repeat the same answer to the same question every time I come here.
yes u do. it is again for confirmations and understanding. i like a solid foundation, u?
(ask twice, cut once... and again ALL NEW INFORMATION. *Think Elite Diggers)
again how to tag u when i post o/
>>/31908/ Jesus Is God
> you are officially a slide. (and... glad u know all this, some of us dont, some of us are still just learning)
>>/31913/ >>/31915/ >>/31920/
>>/31911/ fighting it just binds it tighter to you
>>/31933/ 'tis know from whence ye komm
> if you hold not The Lamb as God then any thought you have is by definition of little worth
>>/31948/ This type of insight is refreshing and it helps us to realign
(>Wake up!)
>>/31950/ 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
>>/31949/ >>/31950/ >>/31961/