[Part 2]
This website discusses SR in another perspective (power in Hz - misleading as engineers realize but that's what many SR sites use) as measured in 6 different sites around the world (it's interactive, so hover over the chart and it will show the numeric power value for each of the sites for that spot on the x axis). "The Schumann Resonances Power graph summarizes the information presented in the Spectrogram Calendar and illustrates the dynamic changes occurring in the Schumann Resonances region of the magnetic field. Power is the sum of the power in all frequencies detected by the site magnetometer from 0.32 to 36 Hertz and is calculated for every hour. A 24-hour moving average of this power data is plotted for each site and updated hourly. Each monitoring site is represented by a separate colored line and can be toggled on or off by clicking the label for each site in the legend key. The time span of data displayed can be changed with the Zoom control in the upper left of the chart window or with the horizontal slider and range display controls under the time and date labels."
Discussion thread at reddit:
Explanation of Schumann Resonance on QResearch thread dated 27 Jun 2018: