> The bottom line: Expectation is the horizontal dashed line. Formal result is the jagged red line, which plots the cumulative deviation of trial Z-scores from expectation. Smooth curves show envelopes for probability against chance.
The bottom line: Expectation is the horizontal dashed line. Formal result is the jagged red line, which plots the cumulative deviation of trial Z-scores from expectation. Smooth curves show envelopes for probability against chance.
P(Z > e) = P(Z e) = P(Z e) = P(Z < e) + P(Z = e) * exp(-i Z/e)
e = exp(-i Z/e)
Z = exp(−i Z/e) * exp(−i Z/e)
e = exp(-i Z/e)
So the expectation was greater than the actual result. What's the expected value of Z-score in this case? Well