Digg on Michael Bennet
Can the Bennet brothers save the Establishment?
By Ben Terris The Washington Post Nov 1, 2019

For all the scandals, screw-ups and controversial hires, James Bennet's colleagues at the New York Times generally like working with him. James, who oversees the editorial page and is rumored to be a candidate to run the newsroom after Executive Editor Dean Baquet steps down, has a reputation for being intelligent, loyal and deft with a red pen...

Michael Bennet: the Democratic senator from Colorado, soon-to-be candidate for president and James' big brother.

When James was editor of the Atlantic magazine, the company changed its ethics guidelines to allow him to donate to his brother's Senate campaign. In addition to giving $2,400 to both the primary and the general, he'd sit in on messaging phone calls, tweak speeches and occasionally travel to Denver.

The Bennets are the anti-Trump dynasty, institutionalists at a time when their very institutions - Capitol Hill, the mainstream media - have come under attack.

The Bennet brothers and their younger sister, Holly, grew up in a tony neighborhood in Washington, D.C., blocks from St. Albans, the prep school both attended in the early 1980s. Their mother, Susanne, was the daughter of Jewish art dealers who had managed to get her out of the Warsaw ghetto in the 1940s and into Welesley College. Their father, Douglas, was an executive at an array of respectable institutions: the U.S. Agency for International Development, NPR...
