Wikileaks Bombshell
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Miranda, Luis
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 5:30 PM
To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Dacey, Amy
Cc: Paustenbach, Mark
Subject: Draft Quote
Here’s the draft:
“The forensic analysis conducted by the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike confirmed that the DNC’s initial findings, which were the basis of the temporary shutdown in December, were accurate. The audit confirmed that one campaign gained unauthorized access to the data of another, and four of its staffers conducted 25 searches using the other campaign’s proprietary score data across 11 states. The audit further confirmed that the results of those searches were saved within the system, with one instance in which a statistical summary was exported. Following the conclusion of the audit, the Sanders campaign withdrew its lawsuit.” - DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda
< [SigDems]Luis">>[SigDems]Luis Miranda, Communications Director
Democratic National Committee
202-863-8148 – - @MiraLuisDC">>
They all knew before the election there was no hack
It was Seth Rich all along
(anon from halfchan found it)