Took the link from >>/33326/ pb
to make detailed notes on the recent podcast with Robert Evans, Q hit piece writer
Not notabled last bred anyway
bc there was nobody to take notes
pick up in this bred??
8chan, the Hate Site That’s Hard to Kill
Even people in power are scared to take on 8chan. Why?
Nov 7, 2019; Mary Harris, podcast host
really hard to listen to; they talk about both 8chan & Q movement in a totally hateful & insulting way
Episode Notes
The 8chan message board has become synonymous with hate speech. It’s been a go-to forum for mass shooters’ manifestos. It courts devotees of the cultish QAnon conspiracy theory. In August, 8chan was booted from the internet, but now the forum is making a comeback, in spite of the efforts of a dogged group of activists and journalists trying to take it offline permanently....