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>>/33437/ on Bloomberg and find a Spirit Cooker hit. Gulag search for Bloomberg abramovic and find this list of degenerates ask for money to be sent to the Rockaways. Dafug is up with the Rockaways?
The letter -- whose signatories include Marina Abramovic, Cindy Sherman, Anna Deavere Smith and Richard Phillips -- states that families in the Rockaways "are still standing next to their destroyed and ruined houses trying to keep warm without food, water, electricity, heat, or internet."
The letter was published this weekend on a number of websites, including actor James Franco's. Among the other signatories are a host of celebrities -- Madonna, Lady Gaga, Willem Dafoe, Michael Stipe, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rachel Weisz. One of the signers is Klaus Biesenbach, curator at the Museum of Modern Art's PS1