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Correct you are fren. There appears to be a sigil of saturn built into the architecture of baghdad. Pic related. There is also occult symbolism In the architectural layout of washington d.c., the vatican, the pyramids of giza, etc.
When was this enormous sigil built? What was it's purpose? What is it's history? Were there a bunch of arabians living there doing astrological calculations for millennia? Were they doing incantations, communing with the dead, divining the future, contacting ayyylmaos? Can it be used to work magick like a pentagram? How does baghdad connect with ley lines of the earth grid?
I hope the U.S. military uses this info to secure victory in Iraq. Numerology, the law of magick squares, astronomy, astrology, sex magick, all should be tried to secure american victory and bring peace to the region. Lord knows we've been using bombs and bullets for damn near sixteen fucking years...