Yup. Occasionally (and regrettably) I sometimes drift over to halfchan to stay in the loop (or look for inappropriate humor) and I see the legitimate hate speech, etc.. (which, for the record, I feel they have every RIGHT to express) and I shake my head because halfchan is still up (along with, as you said, YT, Twatter, FB-which actually has had several shootings, gang rapes, etc..live-streamed on their platforms) while 8 (specifically Qresearch, because I went nowhere else on 8) was a relatively very peaceful place...yes there were idiot shills, people trying to slide when Anons were over the target, and of course the random moron who would post crap about instigating violence, etc..but that did not reflect the attitude or mindset of true Anons/Autists/Patriots who were there for all the right reasons.
If you were there, I don't actually need to tell you this; but I feel the same way-it is enough to make a grown man give up, but Anons are resilient and I'll be damned if I'm gonna give them the satisfaction. We're here for a reason, damn it.