To all who may feel discouraged, let down, impatient and angry that those who have committed evil, have harmed our children and destroyed the lives of patriots like Michael Flynn (and others), I have a question: 

Have you noticed the movement of narratives, have you noticed he quick desperation of the (them) in their spinning their tales of fake crimes by POTUS and giving credence to opinion based witnesses (would never carry weight in any real courtroom), have you looked under the maniacal way Adam Schitthead is also desperate to keep control of this "Impeachment (witch hunt 2.0) inquiry, have you noticed the blackouts of certain stories which are really BOOMs?  For those of you who still subject yourselves to mainstream social media (like me), do you notice the backlash coming at so many who try to continually post lie after lie about DJT, the impeachment (witchhunt 2.0) inquiry, the (fake) whistleblower and his lack of credibility?  The desperate move by CBS and ABC to fire a lone employee who they think was the Veritas leaker?   
(THEY) are like blind men walking around in a room filled with fluorescent lighting all over the ceiling but they cannot see past their eyelids.   
May not seem like it but its moving so fast and happening so beautifully...

Thank you all for the research, the digs the enlightenment, the pointers where to go and search for myself.   

Its actually quite entertaining this movie consistning of real patriots and real monsters...

May God be our guiding light to the end....