
Gonna drop this for all anons, and to piss off spoopy subliminal gif cia guy, even though this shit is widely known:

"Seal of Saturn" is a diagram of a basic universal phenomenon.  A diagram of when two waves come together, creating a new, third wave.  This is so basic its happening constantly, everywhere in the universe.

Your motherfucking stereo speakers run on this principal. The disinfo shills call this a "scalar wave" whatever the fuck that is, but its simple, basic shit. Rife used it for healing, Tesla accidentally used it for destruction.

A portal is many of these waves cascading in a circle, think the BP logo, or a flower, simple fucking shit.


Also remember that the whole satanic shit is the perversion of everything good.  Saturn is absolutely beautiful.  You inbreds don't get to claim it, and gays don't get to claim the rainbow. fuck off.