20180725_195913 gif
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never sed ye did.
too many do thœ... [my] reaction is predictable.
< dangerous days.
> the Fact of caваl manipulation of the bible is irrefutable. that is the bad news. so .gifrelated is not necessarily the "right way"... still, the reality breeds dreams of a Righteous Jihad for The Lamb.
unfortunately, if the revelation is untainted, the a.c
cannot be fought for the prophecy must be fulfilled, it being The Will of God.
these questions breed much dissent and lead to moar shitposting in retaliation.
æı argue with the naxis about it often... perspectives abound and who am [i] to say what is Truth.
< dangerous days[x]2
the learning curve is about to become a wall... the great delusion Is Here.
§ī... weighty matters lœng æwæıþəđ.