He is God.
humans have forgotten the fact.
all will remember soon.
you Are The Divine Will of God made manifest through the Lamb Slain from The Foundation of The World.
it is a contained process.
the container is this continuum.
it Is Finished.
it does not require your acceptance or approval.
reality is what it is.
hate or love
life or not life.
hell is not a place... it is a state of nonbeing.
perhaps there will be a echo of regret.
we are energy.
His Energy.
it will be recalled to source soon.
this is the reality of what you call existence.
He Is All.
balance is a lie.
He is God.
He is Always Right.
if you can choose to love Him, Live Him.
if you cannot, you will not.
argument makes no more difference than cognition.
there are no guarantees.
call upon Jesus and be saved.
or donot, and be damned.
=not be.
the reality of what comes after is truly beyond imagining.
< meh.
ears/not ears.