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> past/present/future all basically coexisting simultaneous
coinkidinky stuff this as a workmate and meself had a conversation on this yesterday... took me a bit to get my head around past present and future being human construct and they all in fact are present in the now.
Let me explain to other anons whom are perplexed......
Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites are positioned about 12,550 miles above Earth’s surface and therefore are not as close to Earth’s gravitational field. The clocks on these satellites tick faster than the clocks on Earth’s surface so scientists have put a correction into the satellite programs to ensure that the GPS data sent back to Earth’s surface have matching times....
The Clocks on GPS tick FASTER! they are in the future....
Consider a clock A that is stationary on the Earth. Consider a second clock B that is in a high speed aircraft travelling due North at a constant speed.
Clock B will progress at a slower rate than Clock A.
Consider that the digital readings of each clock are transmitted continuously to and from the observer on Earth and the observer in the aircraft. Both observers will agree that Clock B is progressing at a slower rate than Clock A.
Despite the evidence of the clocks neither observer will be aware that time appears to be passing at different rates in their respective inertial frames of reference.....
A clock on a high speed object ticks SLOWER!.. they are in the past.