14. Leslie Wexner, the billionaire who owns Victoria’s Secret’s parent company, has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein, his former financial manager, “misappropriated” more than $46 million worth of investments.
> http://archive.vn/raSgj - “Leslie Wexner Says Jeffrey Epstein ‘Misappropriated Vast Sums of Money From Me'”
>  >
 Anonymous (ID: /m1VqKo6)  08/14/19(Wed)17:56:09 No.223117852? >>/223117889/  >>/223145740/
Source: https://pastebin.com/ET02s6wr

15. Epstein is (still?) building illegally on the island next to little st james, despite having been ordered not to.
> http://archive.vn/sC19x - “Construction appears to continue on Great St. James”
16. Geraldine Laybourne is the co-founder of Nickelodeon and is the person who first hired Dan Schneider (the pedo) to write and produce kids' TV. According to NY Magazine her name is on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet log. This is a direct connection between Epstein, Nickelodeon, Dan Schneider, Lolita Express and as a bonus a child daycare with an eye of providence pyramid (Geraldine works with KinderCare)
>  >>/222261668/ ? 
> http://archive.vn/fZIkN – Pic of log with Geraldine Laybourne’s name
> (snipped web archive backup due to spam filter)

> http://archive.vn/QLit6 - “Who Was Jeffrey Epstein Calling?”
> http://archive.vn/bP0Ss - “How ‘All That’ Became the ‘SNL’ for the Next Generation”