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> Gorbachev was in office...
Mikhail Gorbachev & The Dissolution of the Soviet Union | 1991
> I have a hunch he is a globalist
Club of Madrid
Green Cross International
Club of Rome
Earth Charter
Gorbachev Foundation, (headquartered in San Francisco)
Glasnost & Perestroika
Gorbachev's original goal of using glasnost and perestroika to reform the Soviet Union while maintaining control by
the Communist Party was not achieved. The policy allowed Soviet citizens to speak out and criticise the Communist
Party and the Soviet system itself. It also inadvertently released long-suppressed national sentiments in the republic
states that wanted to assert their independence; undermining the authority of the Soviet central-government. Both
policies exposed the extremely weak Soviet Economic system when the discipline of the Communist Party was removed.
In December 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved months after the August failed coup by conservative elements
who were alarmed by the forces unleashed by Gorbachev's reforms.
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
The final round of the Soviet Union's collapse began with a Ukrainian popular referendum on December 1, 1991, in
which 90 percent of voters opted for independence. The secession of Ukraine, the second-most powerful republic,
ended any realistic chance of Gorbachev keeping the Soviet Union together even on a limited scale. The leaders of
the three principal Slavic republics, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (formerly Byelorussia), agreed to discuss possible
alternatives to the union.