In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God
word = earth
god = uranus

First there was Chaos, then Gaea and Eros 
gaea = god = uranus
eros = word = earth

am i missing something...
if our bible is based on planetary gods, then i think i kinda been shamed. 

we are energy, we have always existed. we can not be destroyed, we can not be created. we can only change.

ok so that is this shard/plane/realm/dimension...

i believe we are multi dimensional, anon possibly stated back a few.

energy had to be created idgaf.
but from where.... 
my spirit with a soul from where?

wouldnt i want to be in freuqency with uranus since him and gea/earth created our flesh bodies.

again wehre did the spirit and soul come from???
