Still pretty vague, but decent frame, anon.
When we compare Thoth, Prometheus, Buddhas and Tesla, we need to understand we're speaking in the Jungian sense. These are archetypes.
Tesla figured out how to do extraordinary things. Ask yourself why we only know about him by going to weird places on the internet, something that is fear mongered endlessly in our cultures, all of them.
Yes, we all reincarnate. Again, anyone and everyone that's ever been on this planet that is or was like us is currently here now in one form or another. We're talking the battle for the heart of this realm - Earth. All are here to watch the fireworks, feel the rhythm, to witness the beauty, to awaken the unenlightened, to fathom the power, to corrupt out of convenience and so much more.
These times are Biblical, but you all hardly seem to realize what that truly means.