sq-meaning png
(80.12 KB, 591x624)
sq png
(160.8 KB, 1087x807)
pa png
(126.66 KB, 987x689)
sq-pa png
(93.91 KB, 1058x583)
God Bless you, Day Shift. (you) do amazing work. Keep it up.
Maybe someanon will find below to be a fun distraction.
This anon some speculation on 8ch months ago but can't find it
now but using certain characters in q posts (all) as bookends
reveal what looks like a nested structure - depends
on what you use:
"killbox" - [,]
> https://anonfile.com/ofP4N4A1nd/square_txt
parenthesis - (,)
combo - [ or (, ] or )
Note: in attached output the nesting level is line over line. Some
lines contain matching pairs but may go into deeper levels. My
javascript skills are not sufficient to show this but the attached
demostrate the concept.
implications, if true:
* nesting implies dimensionality+ (4D or more?)
* dimensionality implies a MATRIX+ topology (non-linerarity)
* implies timelines (and changing/adding based on plan adapting needs)
* implies many decodes are lower dimension PROJECTION+
* possible explaination to Q clock model
* others
+(Note I am talking in hard math terms not esoteric fagging.)
There may be more than one way or a more correct way to tease
this out. I am willing to bet there are many ways to do this.
For example determining nest is simple about - see an opening,
go to next level (push) see a closing go back a level (pop). More
sophisticated parsing/compiling techniques could prove useful
but focusing on simpler less powerful forms of expression migh
be better. Don't want us busy beavers wasting cycles when occam
is our friend. That is if this tickles any anon's pickle. Or taco.
May God Bless You All.