
Anon remembers.

Richard Miller was a lunatic who lived in his car. The bureau knew all along he was consorting with the KGB stringer - FBI agents in LA Station passed around her name because she gave good blow jobs .
Miller tried to redeem his whole catastrophic car living career by a brilliant intell coup. He gave Natasha the office phone directory and she was supposed to deliver the KGB archive (or something) so the FBI arrested him in TJ for espionage but they fired him first. 
All the newspaper stories said 'former FBI SA arrested.
Was a pedovore frame up with Schifty prosecuted.
Millar never bathed, and was a fantasist never and espionage threat. Miller was a Mormon also.
Natasha was married to Boris another KGB illegal, after the collapse of the Soviet economy they showed soviet films to LAs growing Russian émigré community to pay the rent. Natasha a trained red sparrow would also turn tricks and blow FBI sas by the score. The unorthodox tradecraft delivered on its slim promise in the form of Richard Miller.