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thumbnail of There exists a government within a government within the United States -Osama bin Laden (3).png
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"There exists a government within a government within the United States" -Osama bin Laden

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself... That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."-Osama bin Laden statement, published by BBC
In essence, this article is about a map, a video, a timeline, and a chart.  Please, take a few minutes to carefully examine each.

The Map
I have asked dozens, if not hundreds, of Americans to please tell me why, exactly, America is at war with Afghanistan, the longest war in American history.  Some say, "Because they attacked us."  Most have no answer, whatsoever, but instead ask me, "Why?"   I respond by asking them what large oil-producing nation borders Afghanistan in the west.  Some guess, "Iraq."  Nobody knows.  I then ask what large oil-consuming nation borders Afghanistan on the East.  Nobody knows.  I tell them the answers are Iran (Israel's and Saudi Arabia's arch enemy) and China. 
0 miles: Distance from Afghanistan to Iran
0 miles: Distance from Afghanistan to China
7,477 miles: Distance from Afghanistan to Washington, D.C.
Said a different way, the USA invaded and occupies a nation on the other side of the planet that fucking borders Iran and China, then complains about Persian and Chinese aggressive behavior in the Persian Gulf and South China Sea.

The Video

It is highly unlikely that you have seen the interviews in this 4 minute and 13 second video, a compilation of FDNY firefighters talking about the explosions inside the WTC on 9-11-2001.  Watch it now, before it is memory holed by The Ministry of Truth. 
The Timeline
    -1979-1989 Operation Cyclone - CIA program to arm and finance Afghani insurgents, including those organized by Saudi Arabian, Osama bin Laden
    -9-10-2001 US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, declares $2.3 trillion in missing Pentagon receipts
    -9-11-2001 Thousands of Americans killed when three World Trade Center towers are destroyed and two unidentifiable flying objects crash into the Pentagon and the ground in Pennsylvania
    -10-7-2001 US goes to war against the general concept of "terror" and attacks the nation of Afghanistan, because they decline to extradite former Operation Cyclone ally and Saudi Arabian citizen, Osama bin Laden, without some evidence of his involvement in 9-11-2001 attacks, which US refuses to provide
    -10-26-2001 USA Patriot Act signed into law
    -11-21-2001 Five Dancing Israelis arrested by NYPD on 9-11-2001  are quietly released by FBI to return to Israel
    -9-2-2004 US Presidential election with essentially zero discussion or debate about the War in Afghanistan
    -9-4-2008 US Presidential election with essentially zero discussion or debate about the War in Afghanistan
    -5-2-2011 Osama bin Laden reportedly shot in face in Pakistan and his body immediately buried at sea
    -9-6-20012 US Presidential election with essentially zero discussion or debate about the War in Afghanistan
    -9-8-2016 US Presidential election with essentially zero discussion or debate about the War in Afghanistan
    -9-3-2020 US Presidential election with essentially zero discussion or debate about the War in Afghanistan.