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The cosmic Doctrine
Dion Fortune

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> There is also another aspect upon group form. The consciousness of a group is an entity of a negative or female type. It requires to be stimulated by a positive force before it can become creative. That which functions on a subtler plane is positive in relation to that which functions on a denser plane. Should a consciousness conceive the aims of a group on a higher plane than that on which the group conceives them, it becomes positive towards that group and thereby can fertilise it. When fertilisation of a group occurs each of the individuals of that group becomes pregnant with a new life and brings creative work to birth upon the physical plane. They will then have conceived that which the group leader has begotten and will then be upon the same plane as the Leader. Having conceived the same ideal they will then be of the same polarity as the Leader and it will no longer be possible for him to bring a creative stimulus to that group. This will explain to you the process of florescence and degeneration which groups undergo, but periods of quiescence are not of necessity death. You will observe that throughout all manifested life the co-operation of two factors is essential for all `form’ building. Force, however, works as a unit because its polarity is in the Logos.