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Richard Hayluyt was the protege of a dynasty of spies generally regarded as the foremost in history, Christopher Marlowe's bosses who directed the Information Operations which opened North American for settlement.

Hakluyt was a spook.

> In accordance with the instructions of Secretary Francis Walsingham, he occupied himself chiefly in collecting information of the Spanish and French movements, and "making diligent inquirie of such things as might yield any light unto our westerne discoveries in America

> 1599 became an adviser to the newly-founded East India Company

> 1590s Hakluyt became the client and personal chaplain of Robert Cecil

Hakluyt prepared an English translation of Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius' Mare Liberum (1609)

why? because

> In Mare Liberum, Grotius denied that the 1493 donation by Pope Alexander VI that had divided the oceans between Spain and Portugal entitled Spain to make territorial claims to North America. Instead, he stressed the importance of occupation, which was favourable to the English as they and not the Spanish had occupied Virginia. Grotius also argued that the seas should be freely navigable by all, which was useful since the England to Virginia route crossed seas which the Portuguese claimed

TLdr sort of

Hakluyt the pawn was used to reintroduce collect edit and subsequently publish promote and popularize the maps and stories that supported the colonization of America.

An information operation to bring that about was forwarded by their agent Richard "Big Dick" Hakluyt who "did more than any other man to bring about the Englishe settlement in North America."


Hakluyt Cyber dot com is a globalist international chunky sludge sewer of pedovore cultists and butt wookies.

Who is the topman at hakluyt cyber dot com, the man who will read these words and recall he, himself, is Sir Iain Lobban KCMG.

Sir Ian is a seasoned nonlinear cyber warrior of the digital domain

> as former Director of GCHQ, where Sir Ian spearheaded the execution of the UK's first two national cyber security strategies -

The first cyber strategy was so darn good the Lizard Queen said, "right, let's have another one of those cyber strategies, Ian Lobsterbib, and you can make it "Sir Ian Lobsterbib," now you are a Knight Commander.

Sir Ian found no knights he could easily command and thought, fuck no time to waste, I better cash in quickish.

> before moving to the private sector in 2014. In addition to advising our clients on managing cyber risk, he holds a visiting professorship at King's College London, and was a member of the expert panel for Australia's 2016 Cyber Security Strategy.

Sir Ian's future path anon forsees a steepening downward arc to "operating a hostel for refugee bunco artists fleeing civilization," and a new rebranding effort to pitch themselves as avengers in video games and open cyber mercenary offices in racially diverse neighborhoods.

Sir Ian has a trick to impress the clients.

Search Ian lobban on googler image you get
(see attached)
 an hilarious juxtaposition of images

that just aren't, that can't be, random and conclude Sir Ian has awesome wizard power even to bind the googler. Sign up now or we won't launder your money or sell you any more children.

> These works were a fertile source of material for William Shakespeare