Interdasting 9/11 connection   

September 11, 2001Edit

After the 9/11 strikes on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, some CTC staff refused an order to evacuate the CIA headquarters building at Langley. They included the shift of the Global Response Center on the exposed sixth floor, which Black would eventually argue had "a key function in a crisis like this." Tenet finally accepted that Black wouldn't leave, and that their lives would be put at risk.[14]

The CTC obtained passenger lists from "the planes that had been turned into weapons that morning." "[A] CTC analyst raced over to the printing plant," from which most CIA staff had been evacuated, and pointed out the names Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who they had "been looking for the last few weeks." This was the first "absolute proof" that the attacks were an Al-Qaeda plot.[15] The CTC had first come across the names in connection with potential terrorist activity in the winter of 1999-2000 [see above].