Information from NOAA website about hurricane modification:
Information from NOAA website about Project STORMFURY:
AJ Interview with Dr. Ben Livingston uploaded Nov 5, 2012:
(6:58) "Some wanted to continue hurricane reductions, and the other part did no twant to. It was a political football, and their people that were wanting to do more pure research and less application engineering wanted to kill Project Stormfury. So they built up an artificial barrier that prevented hurricanes from ever qualifying to be expiremented or seeded for damage reduction. NOAA research people came up with data that suggested that if a hurricane went through a certain little geographical area where there was no history in a hundred years that a hurricane that had been through that area ever reached land, so they made a requirement that the storm must go through this area of (7:46), I call it the area of improbability, before it would qualify for hurricane damage reduction attention. So after about ten years, no hurricanes went through there and the people, that is the scientists who didn't want to spend money on aircraft reconnaissance decided, well it's just too expensive, we can't wait any longer, so they killed the project altogether."
The graphic shown at timestamp 7:46 appears to depict the area east of the Bahamas that Dr. livingston refers to as "The area of Improbability"
U.S. AIRFORCE C130 Plane Flies Through EYE of Hurricane Dorian to Get DATA (2019):