Debate, so far
Kamala says trump is a criminal and priveledged, not like ‘us’.
Berney says she we can do this even though Trump is a criminal.
Pochahauntus interupts thre times in the introduction KEK. intro designing taxes for our second billion dollars two cents tax. Universal daycare, gives us your children. College tuition free, cancel loan debt, on 2% wealth tax.
Booker Agrees with poch about taxes, but we need to talk about growing wealth. We need more revenue, no more loop holess in taxes, raise taxes, raise min wage. We Dems need to talk about growing wealth
Butt plug says dems are on defense, kek. Medicare for anyone who wants it to unify America, But not ordering people on it.
Back to warren Intro not yet for all. She sees struggling to pay med
Bills. Day one as pres bring down cost of certain meds. Save from trumps sabotage. Everyone gets lots of things. She wont shut up