Agreed pamphlet is a scammer every way he 
can.  Corsi is on tape saying he paid Pamphlet a million Dollars or someone else would have.  I was listening for many months, but figured out it was not a organic patriots volunteering.  They were obviscating truth.   Same play by many of these ilk of same blood who guard the truth with lies.    Corsi has worked for Rockfellers investing money.  He never mentions that.  Photos dont lie.

Qresear.ch  indictments on Corsi

This cry for million dollars, bitcoin rant, could only come from a non anonymous person sharing identities with others, creating a crises to pull patriots away from real patriotic fight.

Go to the FBI.   Q and POTUS had Zero delta.     This person does not follow Q or he would not doubt.    Pamphlet and Corsi try to be Q and distract Real Patriots from Q.  

My opinion is to ignore this poster, and tell poster to stay away from those pamphlet people.     They are paid to distract.