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For this reason anon can only distinguish other anons by a non sensory perception of intention
mason come on and try to discourage, intimidate and confuse our newfags. Remember Mister "Dig that's what I do" threatening to dox BO ruin his life etc?
These people are demonic in that they have narrow evil intention. They are the game playing Move On paytriot cult shit heads that Bill Cooper dealt with on the lecture circuit.
Half of whom are alphabet shills, dements and confused MK victims
Demons come in many forms. They are more complex forms of what we call 'earworms' - those crappy tunes that can get stuck in peoples heads. They're more like viruses - they are not alive but they hook into things that are and they reproduce that way. Demons can be computational but they can also be entirely abstract - as a mind virus is.
Information circulates among us like a kind of blood stream but in stead of organizing the function of the organ systems it orders the function of civilization.
That's why legacy media and big tech have struggled so desperately to control the flow of information - so they could poison it. Makes us stupid and afraid of one another.
To anons mind this is what we fix first. Once we have restored the integrity of our communications we can discuss and decided on the multitude of options available.
Anon spent 3 years looking at tech we actually possess right now (non classified) and that alone is mind blowing.
This is what the cult has been trying to conceal. We have no longer any need to compete for material resources. We can build universal factories - factories which can make any product from raw material INCLUDING other universal factories.
This is what a knowledge explosion looks like when we're close to it, practically on top of it.