Star thinking of information as a substance and truth as the vital quality encoded in the relationships between the symbols. 

If that code is off, if it's damaged, the content is lies. There are lies we can see and lies we can not see which have been circulating in our common information supply. 
Information Poisoning this is called and it's an attack on the human mind roughly analogous to what in computer science is called a "database integrity attack."

In a DB integrity attack the attacked change elements rarely used back in the data to take advantage because "unnoticed errors in data compound in magnitude with their distance from the calculation" as J V Neumann put it.

It's a fiendish attack and one that has been systematically carried out by the cult. It's mind sabotage and it seriously fucks up our ability to plan or understand our world. 

CHN use it too, they have been supply bad biologicals which are impossible to identify and which have derailed multimillion dollar research programs cause all you can tell is "something is wrong"

If we look at information the way we look at water it can be pure, or it can be poison and right now it's largely cultist mind poison