
I am the one the one million was stolen from. 

I have explained it here on this post here, in the comments section:

https: //busy.org/@sadcorp/for-what-information-is-the-million-dollar-reward-b5cd151f94f26#@motherlibertynow/re-sadcorp-for-what-information-is-the-million-dollar-reward-b5cd151f94f26-20191112t170252726z

Please understand what happened. I am the one stolen from.  I wrote the story and posted the proof at the time. After that, the CBTS board was taken-over by the fake Q group and all of my posts, including the original offer of the reward were deleted.

You are being lied to. I have research to prove that "Q" is actually Q5 and a group of con-artists. See the YTube videos by Unirock from a year ago or so for more details..

Source X.