We need a chain of trust from news and entertainment media provider to an individual who wants that content.
This is a supply chain and should have no vulnerabilities. Since effectively all media content today transits the internet we need to replace the spies inet with the information system of the future, which runs on the same hardscape.
President Putin called for something this about 3 years ago.
We the US have the capacity to do it , to create a safe secure network for all alone - but then the rest of the world couldn't trust it. The purpose of the project to create a trusted universal network for civilization.
Which means an international engineering project so that all can be assured and satisfied there are no back doors and the front door has solid protection.
To be secure for all, a network must be secure from all. Especially the people who build it.
If you ever do a dig on who built the railroads you'll see the same names we are dealing with today and how the cult uses their knowledge of networks to exponentiate the return. control of the networks, financial networks, the physical networks like railroads - is control of the future.
We're living now in a future the cult engineered. The constitutional republic is the America the cult has erased and replaced with cubicle culture that delivers the NPCs they depend on to provide babies and service their needs.
It doesn't have to be that way but it is that way.
Legacy shills have been attacking POTUS non stop filling the minds of millions with poison.