Notables pt2
>>/40513/, Potus twat, Fox interview "I want to be impeached"
>>/40516/ info on encryption, internet reset
>>/40519/, >>/40516/ info on encryption, internet reset 3days3nights FISA>Impeachment>supermajority
>>/40532/ NSA charter put Hillary in the drivers seat
>>/40535/ Q review Human trafficking
>>/40537/ Chief Justice John Roberts dragged into fisagate
>>/40539/ Q review Activate Sessions
>>/40540/ RR answers Gaetz q's
>>/40543/ Solomon response to Vindman
>>/40553/, >>/40555/, >>/40556/ 2018 Strozok grew up in Iran, worked for Bam and Brennan!
>>/40566/ Bolton twat, backstory coming!
>>/40567/ Q review crowdstrike
>>/40579/ 2/19 Night Ops LA
>>/40582/ QQQQ
>>/40583/, >>/40584/ Q twat
>>/40594/ Barr: "Pstains death perfect storm of screw-ups"
>>/40615/ unprecedented access to ISIS prisoners at a facility administered by the Kurdish-led SDF in Hasakah province in northeast Syria:
>>/40618/ more independents opposing impeachment
>>/40619/, >>/40629/, >>/40634/ President says the DOJ IG report is “historic”! It was an overthrow attempt!
>>/40622/ Q review under extreme attack
>>/40631/ Sperry twat, These 31 Democrats WILL LOSE THEIR SEAT if they DARE to vote for this sham impeachment!
>>/40635/ 2016 Taiwan tightening anti-money laundering law after New York regulator fine/Zlochevsky
>>/40638/, >>/40640/ FBI Attorney #2 Kevin Clinesmith was among 5 FBI agents DOJ IG Horowitz referred for investigation
>>/40641/ Burisma In Ukraine is Owned By Brociti Greek Company
>>/40648/ GOP Leader Drops BOMB on Schiff – Points to Committee Rule that Must Allow Republicans Day to Call Witnesses