
We are not shills. Q-Source-X is legit. Do not listen to these deep state actors and liars who are the actual shills. Source X is a legitimate patriot and does not work for anyone.


This post is legit. Do not allow these shills to cast dispersions and lie about true patriots.



The shills know the post above is true, so they attack it to prevent people from discovering the truth.

Source X: We are patriots and our only intent is to restore the Republic. We do not work for anyone. We desire to counter the Cross Fire Hurricane attack on Trump and We The people. We wish to counter this psyop and these shill liars who call others shills.



This post is legit also.

Again, we are accustomed to these shills attacking us across the board, using full spectrum warfare, pretending to be patriots when in reality they are dark hat agents attempting to prevent all from learning the truth and becoming free.

Thank you for your attention & have a nice day.

The legit patriot movement to restore the Republic which is no more and is broken, needs fixing.