
Your Susy Q is actually the impersonator and fraudster, pretending to be associated with Trump and using Jordan Sather to create the Q Photoshop images. Then pamphlet and team steal the one million dollar reward from Source X. You are the real fraudsters and your fraud has been fully exposed. That is why you need to hide in the far corners of the Internet and not even Trump and his secret services allow you tards into his rallies. You are scammers. You are terrorists and you are mentally insane.  Your fraud is catching up with you. Your movement stole the movement created by Source X to restore the Republic and now you have the audacity to tell everyone Source X is a shill. Source X has been working for this for years, abandoning career, to help restore the Republic and has not been paid ONE PENNY. You liar you, you should be ashamed of yourself! You scumbag, you are the one who works as a paid shill and liar you!!