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This image is exactly what these counter intelligence black hat black op paid shills from Mossad and other agencies do. They smear those telling the truth so as to prevent America from restoring her republic. The very people you need to listen to, these scumbag shills tell you not to listen to. The very techniques they apply they post in the form of images and then accuse others of doing this. They use the Hillary tactic. Accuse others, accuse Trump of Russia and Ukraine collusion when you yourself are guilty of it. Accuse Trump of Quid Pro Quo when Quid Pro Joe is actually the one guilty of doing this. This is why we are in Defcon 1 stage, because of these disinfo agents which have taken-over the MSM. Anyone with any discernment can spot these liars and people casting dispersions, in an attempt to divide the patriots. This is why they push out disinfo and make it look like it is coming from a genuine concerned source. Nothing but paid shills and liars, accusing others of being shills. What gal! What audacity! What conspiracy to lie to your face! These scumbags are the worse scum of the earth, worse less then the paper used to make a fake Federal Reserve Note!