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thumbnail of worldwide.png
worldwide png
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Really surprised that nobody on here found this. Wasn't 2051 a suspect date? Didn't get my "third level" clue? Eagles talons? Why you'd need to turn to your 6?
No autists left on here?
Q World Wide.

One person outside here I think may have found it. If you did -- keep the faith, E.


Great job on VoterID campaign, and keep pushing that "what does USMCA mean for American workers, and how did Trump renegotiate one of the worst trade deals into one of the best?" The 4am talking points include that USMCA is basically just NAFTA with a different name. Many sheeple are stupid and far too trusting, and won't look further than these talking points. Your ExposeCNN will help with some of these, but there are many who don't use the internet at all. Need to target folks within two degrees of these people socially, so that it comes up in casual conversation. Get them interested, and want to find more -- turn off CNN and turn us on; we are the news now.
I like the games idea, that will attract leaders / intelligent people to whom the sheep will look towards for explanation, especially once trust in the Mossad Stream Media is broken.

Great work anons, keep chugging along! This train has NO BREAKS!!!