
...continued from the previous post...

> I notice you like to post. would you mind blasting out #ExposeCNN intel. I could use any and all leads regarding CNN and Zucker/Epstein.

CNN is basically ISIS. Both created by the CIA. The CIA was created basically by The Jesuits and associated groups. These groups represent the rogue Venetian Black Nobility Crown Banking cartel -  the Khazarian mafia - Rothschild - Vatican - British Intel - Privy Council - Rhodes - Round Table mafia groups. They all work together to subvert the American Republic. The Knights of Malta also have their own intelligence group.

AT&T apparently is the parent company of CNN. That is how Shifty Schiff was able to get phone call records of Nunes, who is suing him for releasing confidential information while violates California law. Schiff is a criminal. I coined the term Shifty Schiff and now Trump uses it.

> anything?

Facebook and Zuckerberg - base patent stolen by James P. Chandler, the IBM Eclipse Foundation, the government. Federal Judges involved. SCOTUS Roberts involved. Zuckerberg is just a card-board cut-out and does not even know anything, an idiot. The original source code was stolen from Leader Technologies (from Michael McKibben) and their logo and trademark was removed from the top of the code, the code was altered and the thieves put their copy right at the top of the code, then distributed it free across the planet. Now the government owes Leader Technologies hundreds of billions maybe even trillions for the aggregated theft. The stolen base code was used to create a host of technologies. I created an entire blog post on this and was first to crack it fully, among other things. Leader has come-up with a solution and way to give the source code to Trump so he can request the companies to produce the original source code. They will not be able to as they have a modified version. This will be grounds for Trump to seize their assets. All of it.

Epstein - It seems George Webb has some interesting videos on this, connecting Epstein to Barr Senior and this group is then in turn as you see connected to the current administration. Now we have Trump apparently working with the same Epstein lawyer, so it is said, to put out a new executive order blocking institutions from getting Federal Funding unless they act to prevent people from criticizing Israel and the Zionists...if this is true, it is a sad state of affairs truly. USMCA needs to be exposed as well. I also created a blog post on this nine months ago. I can provide the links.