Next, yes, you are here picking fights. You are contributing nothing of value except "Stop trying, you guys are doing it wrong, go to this sketchy URL so I can track your IP and put you on muh list."

Again, if you have the good ideas, provide them. If you have pure intentions, stop trying to divide. If someone actually took over your movement (lol), then screw it, start another one on the side. Or provide truth to the existing one. Why don't you do either of these things? All I see is anger and division from you, seed of doubt, etc. You're much better than the last shill, I've already admitted that. But tjat doesn't make you pure or good...
So, what is your plan? Why don't you provide it? What is stoping you from executing it? Why tdidn't you archive offline? Isn't that a Q phrase? Do we spout that to mock you?
(part 2 of 2)