> Or provide truth to the existing one.
I have provided more truth then you can imagine but obviously you have not read any of it nor looked into it.
> Why don't you do either of these things? All I see is anger and division from you, seed of doubt, etc.
You are just interpreting things in your own way and lack information to be able to make a judgement. You are looking at it from your own limited vision looking glass. Wait until you can see THE BIG PICTURE as I can, and then you will understand.
> You're much better than the last shill, I've already admitted that.
Why do you call everyone a shill simply because you do not agree with the person? Do you even know what a shill is? I am not paid ONE PENNY for all my work and have dedicated myself almost full time to tell the truth...
> But tjat doesn't make you pure or good...
Who is pure or good and is that your objective?
> So, what is your plan? Why don't you provide it?
Obviously you have not read anything I have posted...
> What is stoping you from executing it?
Only when people are properly educated about the truth can we all together make a difference. If you are fighting against the truth, you are fighting against the restoration of the Republic.
> Why tdidn't you archive offline?
I did but the Clowns even erased all my archived images and PDF files, making the archives I created useless!
> Isn't that a Q phrase? Do we spout that to mock you?
> (part 2 of 2)
Is that all you got? Pretty weak actually... do your homework and read what I have posted for heavenĀ“s sake!