i dont think it is that guy because source x uses the phrase "octogon templars" and jesuitanon goes into how the black nobility run it all via a thousand different things you never heard of. So if source x has posted there wait a second source x might be GLP. Ok glp you don't start that shit. I let you go on and on never reading a fucking word and the second i see this source x shit i get mad. Because Q has done a lot for me personally to help me put myself back together after the cabal has engaged in mental terrorism psyops against me to try and drive me out of my mind. TRYING TO DRIVE ME CRAZY TO DISTRACT ME FROM Q WHO IS DROPPING CRUMBS I MIGHT UNDERSTAND. SO THAT IS WHY I DELETE IT. I GOT TO BELIEVE IN IT AND DO NOT NEED THIS SHIT FUCKING UP MY BOARD. SO GLP THIS IS OUT OF LINE. OUT OF LINE