JennaAnon says to keep an eye on Trudeau @ no table  >>/7769593/ (pb). Was in Ottawa for a conf last fall, saw spoopy shit in a fancy restaurant (pay'd cash!). Dig'd, found main vain that leads straight to Justine (kek).

4u JJ w/ luv (no homo)

Restaurant RIVIERA (watch the water? - SLIDE #1). Occult taxidermy art incl rabbit's head at bar and stag's head (THE HUNT). also a weird photo art that says PEDOVOREs-r-us. Eskimo kid with RED hockey stick, Haitian kid eating RED candy heart, stuffed seal with RED candy entrails hanging out. Orca-beluga, clock hanz. (SLIDEz #2&3)

Context - sordid CAN history w/ indians. Dept of Indian Affairs / Indian Act. 1884 “residential schools” boarding made mandatory for native children. Cultural genocide, families ripped apart. Over a century, ~30% / 100,000 children forced into this. EVIL. (sauced wikipedia) 

Native salish spirit dancer William Arnold Combes was a child at EVIL Catholic British Columbia rez school in Sep '64 when queenie shows up and takes 7 boys and 3 girls, ages 6 to 14. Kids never seen again, Combes [187] before he could testify. (SLIDE #4)

Canada still has problem w/ missing native women / children, recently finished big inquiry. Smokescreen. Assume dept Indian Affairs is front for UK DS child / women trafficking. Keep them penned in on reZervations, impoverished, families broken. Pedo control networks, pedovore EVIL, satanic ritual EVIL, whatever. (Prob same pattern for AUS aborigines and NZ maoris. Luv you faggots, no homo, just like u indian faggots 2)
