This is a lot of info to take in by reading scattered websites. And believe me there are hundreds. If you are an Autist, or a financial auditor then I have given you enough leads for your own digging. For the rest of us, here is a video, only 30 minutes long, that is the latest in a series about the Network of Global Control

We are used to polished TV presenters, impeccable performers, not just on TV but also people like Dan Bongino, for instance. So I have to say, when I see how Karen Hudes looks and behaves, she seems more like an Autist, someone who actually knows this stuff. If you get something from this one, then there are many more on her channel.

And yes, be warned, this is about Spirituality, Empathy and the US Military.

If you watched the movie The Accountant I hope you noticed the Autist who appears at the end, and turns out to be the  Anonymous  voice who guides the accountant who is the hero of the film. But she needs a computer voice to communicate with normal people. Just like Anonymous in the movie V.

Is there only one General Flynn figure? Or more?

Is This Any Way for a Nuclear-Armed U.S. Air Force General to Behave?

The USA is interregnum – it's Constitution has been suspended.