>>/45209/ Thanks Anon, I am on a different rabbit hole this morning after reading about Steven Speilberg's daughter becoming a porn star.  I want justice for Heather so much. Anyhow, I was reading the bio of Mikaela Spielberg and found that her boyfriends name was Chuck Pankow so I looked into him.  His bio says he was born and raised in Ocala, FL.  I recently did a dig on Ocala FL because of the Bombing range there and found that there were decommissioned underground missile bases there much like the ones here in AZ where the Biosphere was built.  Ocala FL is referred to as the horse capital of the world which seems odd because it is a live bombing range for the navy, it seems as though that would spook the horses but 3 billionaires own horse ranches there. If I am not mistaken the Navy lease expires this year.  I am hoping and praying that the live bomb drop in January was cover for an operation.  I hate to imagine what happens in those vacant bunkers. 



