Prison: Obama revenge on Gov.Blago for not granting Senate seat to V.Jarrett?

Obama elected Prez elect. Next day 11/5/2008 FBI start secret wire tap of Gov.Blagojevich.

Obama aide Axlerod told Fox News that Obama talked with Gov.Blago about who to give his old Senate seat to (Iranian handler?) Valerie Jarrett.


Witness claimed Obama talked w/ Gov.Blago days before he was arrested. 12/1/08.
Link: https://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/22/blagojevich-wants-to-subpoena-obama/?mtrref=undefined&gwh=A1B8BACEBBD16C4F4A20C88263CEE952&gwt=pay&assetType=REGIWALL

Gov.Blago was acquitted so they put him on trial a 2nd time. Prison ordered 2011 for 14 years would silence Blago thru 2 Obama terms (2011-2016=5) and thru 2 Hillary terms (2017+9=2026).
Link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Blagojevich_corruption_charges#Background

FBI then unlawfully gave secret wiretaps to News to muzzle Gov.Pritzer.
