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Swedish mother reports school to police after a teacher told her daughter to write “I am a Muslim” 

“My daughter came home and was completely upset,” Anamaria says.

“She said, Mom, we had Islam yesterday and they forced us to say that we are Muslims. She told me that during the lesson, she jumped out of the classroom and cried in the toilet and prayed to God. She has been feeling bad since it happened. I myself am so angry so I am seething. How can you do this? We are Christians and my children should not be forced to become Islamized in school. But the teacher said they have to complete the task. That they otherwise get placed in time-out.”

Anamaria von Roteliuc first did not believe her ears. But on closer inspection, it turned out that all the daughter told her was true, and was also confirmed by other children in the class, Katerina Magasin reports.