> Gather Moar, easy to do with ebeone home atm kek
yup, nice how that worked out
now press the adv
the game board is fresh for both sides (actually, not sure how many players, #2 simplifies)
who moves the fastest/wisest will gain the adv (or perhaps no move is best played sometimes).
2+ narratives battling
winner determines Election outcomes, determines power.
designed for People to control, but stolen by ds
'forgot how to play'
review the manual, research for Truth
> 40 future 60 current idk moves and countermoves, for now assume all post are for current. if can connect to future even better. 
> for now assume all post are for current. 
many theories lose strength after this; what was current then is stale now, 'assuming all post are for current'.
becomes easy to discount theories and odds fav the move of discounting theories as they have higher chance of being incorrect.
also, chance of ds messing w plans (d5)
main thing that breaks all this is if Voters know Truth
then fake leaders and fake news are pointless
of course it will start over, the long lie
but perhaps we buy enough time for moar generations to feel the sunlight and live Free.