
2: some anon posted the Marina Abrimovich Kreemart vid link last night was in notables… so I went to it and found this whole compilation of the Kreemart videos posted 2 days ago on Vimeo. Link here: https://vimeo.com/405047995. Watch for yourself. all of them. The are ART to sell a pastry company which obviously only caters to elite buyers. Note the in-your-face cannibal and secret society references in all the video creations. some VERY disturbing if you forget its pastry commercial artwork. Elite art is really dark and disturbing now that I step back and see if for the first time. (everyday artists are not nor will they ever be in this world, its the Cannibal Club, CC, 33…you are invited in or born into it). judge for yourself. *Pic related at 15:42 in the video.

God Bless