>>/46262/ I used to work on a med/surge ward down in Phoenix.  They would keep people alive with all these machines. They couldn't talk unless you pulled off the vent hose for a few seconds and covered the hold with your finger.  I will never forget the old lady who was an amputee and covered in herpe sores who said to me in tears. "I just want to go be with Jesus but they won't let me".  You can keep a person alive for a very long time with all these machines but what kind of life is it? I used to bathe a big black guy on a vent who would stream tears from his eyes while I talked to him.  It was all he could do. His family never visited but they kept getting the checks.  The reality of it all is quite heartbreaking. All the machines in this picture tell me these people would not be alive without artificial means. At some point enough is enough.