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Too loud for deep state.
Yes the nights are colder.
Serious, can't sleep.
But do not doubt my happiness for I SEE sometimes.
Q knows me, I know Q.
Not to turn to something; (you) are the 'thing' people will turn too (when knowledge can save lives).
I'm your guide, as much as you are mine.
I use SIGHT to avoid FIGHT, but if fight, I pity my enemy for the Armor of God.
I always wanted to be part of the crew.
The show is great for those that can SEE.
The situation is sad for those that can SEE.
Timelines converging; what can the Anons accomplish?
I can imagine.
I can meme it, tanks to Anons.
Illusions come and go, but only fools fall for.
After some time, Anons hard to fool.
Especially when they work together, no?
We are lucky Wordsmiths.
Wordsmiths can write better, truer narratives for the People.